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Opioid Prevention Resources

At Boys & Girls Clubs, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our members. That’s why we provide monthly Opioid Prevention training to equip our young members with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions.

For parents seeking more information and support, we've compiled a list of valuable resources and organizations dedicated to Opioid Prevention.

Resources for Parents

Understanding Opioids

Opioid Prevention Toolkit

Tips for Talking to Your Children About Opioids

Communication is key. Research shows that parents are the leading influence on their children's decisions about substances. When parents talk about the issue, their children do hear them.

Use these ten practical tips to foster open dialogue with your children about the dangers of opioids, creating a safe space for them to share their thoughts and concerns.

Support Organizations

Discover local organizations committed to addressing substance abuse and opioid prevention.

I SAVE FL: Get the facts about opioids.

- Prevention
- Overdose Info
- Find Narcan

You Can Save a Life: Overdose & Narcan Information

Click here or below to watch a video on how to administer Narcan

Play video

If you have any questions, need more information, or would like guidance on addressing opioid prevention, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help.